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SFBR Diversion  Project 
Project Details

As of early 2023, the County Commissioners have hired engineers that are evaluating final pumping capacity alternatives to carry forward for engineering and environmental analysis. This page will be updated with a more detailed project description as soon as it becomes available.

The project would include a pump station on Anderson Ranch Reservoir that would pipe water to Little Camas Reservoir. The water would then travel via gravity through the existing Mountain Home Irrigation District canal system to the existing groundwater recharge pits near Mountain Home and for supplemental irrigation use. Additional surface water delivered for agricultural irrigation is also helping the aquifer as those farmers would not have to pump as much water from the ground. 

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Share your Feedback

Public participation is an important part of the planning process.

Please share your ideas and thoughts using the form below.  

Thank you for providing input! We will review and consider your feedback as we plan for the future.

150 S. 4th E St., Mountain Home, Idaho 83647

Tel. 208-587-2130

Project page sponsored by Elmore County, Idaho - 2022

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